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Want To Pop Shove-It on Your Longboard? Follow These 5 Steps

Want To Pop Shove-It on Your Longboard? Follow These 5 Steps

Published by The Longboard Store | Jake Daniels on 12th Jan 2023

Longboards are unique boards that will let you achieve fun new tricks with the right knowledge and experience. There is no simple way to achieve greatness; you must put in the hard work, but you can always make it simpler by following the steps of someone who has done it before.

You can start practicing more advanced tricks after mastering the basics. If you want to pop shove-it on your longboard, follow these five steps to learn what you must do and how to distribute your weight correctly.

Step 1: Balance

Balance and controlling your speed are two of the essential skills you need to master before attempting any tricks. Having control over your board and knowing how to distribute your weight to ride with just one leg and make turns will help you prepare to shove-it on your longboard. First, try balancing your weight on your back leg to almost lift the tip of your board; this will give you an idea of the feeling for the trick.

Step 2: Pivots

Now that you know how to balance your weight on your back leg to lift the tip of the board, try moving the tip side to side, almost in a zigzag sequence. This will give you the motion you will need in the following steps to give your board a 180 turn. A shove-it will switch the front of your board to the back while you jump in the air and land on the board, so this movement is essential to learn.

Step 3: Static Jump

Ideally, your longboard will have a little tail at the tip of both ends to make the motion and handle a little easier. Madrid longboards are perfect for this reason. To work on a trick, you should try without movement and then add some speed. Place your back foot on the edge of the little tail, and practice giving your board a 180 rotation by throwing it to the opposite side with your toes.

Step 4: Add Speed

Once you have mastered the static jump, you can add speed to make it a little more challenging and simpler. Speed will help you get the board off the ground and rotate faster; you need to learn from experience to learn what works best. With some speed, try making the same motion as the static jump, applying strength, and watching your balance.

Step 5: Land on the Center

Learning how to jump and land on your board is important because it will prevent you from falling or cracking your board in half. This step is the last one to complete a shove-it on your longboard. After shifting your weight, rotating your board, and jumping, you must land in the center. This will let you adjust your balance quickly and prevent you from falling.